Wednesday 6 February 2013

Fonts, Pages and Images

  • Serif Font - Times New Roman; often a traditional font and to do with the past 
  • Sans Serif - Comic Sans, Tahoma, Verdana; modern and more appealing to a younger target audience
  • Handwriting Font - Monotype Corsiva; more personal font as it is like somebody has written it themselves

Front Cover

  • Banner or Masthead - generally the title of the company  
  • Sell Lines - text that reveals a snippet of information about the content
  • Burst - graphic design element; look exciting and intrigues the reader 
  • Menu Bar - advertises other things within the magazine, often at the bottom 
  • Blue Line - barcode, price, issue number, date etc
  • Capitals - portrays shouting, used to show important information

Two types of magazine front covers:

  • Busy and cluttered - suggests value for money, lots of information inside, exciting
  • Simple and clean - makes the magazine look sophisticated and organised with a secure target audience


  • Callout - quotations taken from the copy
  • Copy - the article 


  • Camera shots used in moving image all translate into print
  • Black and White -old fashioned, classical, timeless
  • 3-Colour Colour Scheme - strict colour schemes

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