Friday 26 April 2013

DPS - Draft

This is my DPS draft. Overall I am happy with the layout and the storyline behind my article.
I chose to split the text into two columns as I feel that it looks cleaner when compared to one or three columns. I added the name down the side as it automatically draws attention when a reader comes across the page and they will also know who the article is about straight away. 
My photo takes up just over half of the DPS and is the main focus for a reader when first looking at the page which is what I was aiming for. 
There are still some improvements that I need to make to my DPS. For example my photo needs to be made slightly smaller so that the photo : text ratio is around 50/50. The colours for the article are too plain as I have only used black so I am going to change the colour of the questions so that they stand out more and make it look more interesting. In conjunction with this I'm going to put the questions into bold to, once again, make the article look more interesting. I have a lot of whitespace at the end of the text so I am going to fill it either by adding a callout or by adding more questions.

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