Wednesday 10 April 2013

Ray Gun magazine deconstruction

The masthead is positioned at the top of the magazine, although it is not as high as mastheads on other magazines tend to be. The white writing on a red background stands out and so it draws the reader's attention to the magazine, along with the fact that it is in a larger font.
The three colours on the cover are white, red and black which work well together to keep the overall image of the magazine clean and simplistic. The shade of red is slightly duller than that used on magazines such as Q yet it makes the magazine look interesting as it is clearly "different" to other music magazines. The colour scheme also fits in with that of the Rolling Stones, of which Keith Richards is a member.
The image is a mid-shot of Keith Richards, filling the majority of the cover and leaving little white space. This ensures that it will be the reader's main focus when they see the magazine and so fans of the Rolling Stones will automatically buy it.
The only text on the cover is the masthead and "Issue Number 22". The lack of text makes the magazine look very simplistic and clean. It intrigues and excites the reader as in order to know what the magazine contains they would have to buy it. 
The barcode is placed at the bottom centre of the magazine instead of the bottom right hand corner, where is it most commonly placed, once again going against the conventions we typically associate with magazines. However, it's positioning works with this front cover as it ties in with its minimalistic style and makes it look very clean cut and tidy.

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