Friday 26 April 2013

Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page. Again, it has had significant changes to my draft in order to make it look more like a music magazine.
Although I liked the photo I used in my draft I admit that the edit was very tacky and looked unprofessional. Therefore I simply reverted it back to the original image so that I could use that instead. I placed it in the top left half of the magazine as I wanted the actual contents to be able to run alongside it on the right.
I kept the font the same for my 'contents' as I thought it fitted in well with my genre. I did change the colour though as against the black background of the photo the white looked better than the red. I made the text a larger size so that it would fit inside the border of the photo and look like a part of the photo itself.
I decided to put my 'Issue No.' and 'cover date' on a red column as I felt just black text on a white background as it was on the draft looked a bit bare. I think the sudden splash of colour looks appealing and it helps the text to stand out.
I bulked out my list of contents as I said I was going to and it helps give a sense of a fuller magazine. I split the contents under titled headings so that to the reader it is clear exactly what is going on on each page; for example, on page 21 there is a Muse poster. I made the background of each heading black so that they stand out and it makes my magazine look more organised. I changed the colour of the page number to red to differentiate between the two more easily.
Finally, I added an 'editor's note' at the bottom as it is something personal for the readers. I commented on my favourite parts, or what would be my favourite parts, of the magazine and included a photo so that they get to see the 'face behind the magazine'.
I continued my colour scheme on the contents page as it is part of the house style of the magazine. The background to my contents is white, as compared to black on the front cover, which allowed me to use black more. Although black can be quite a boring colour I feel that I managed to use it correctly, along with the red, to make my contents page as interesting as possible.
I used five different fonts on my contents page and I feel they work really well together. I tried to choose fonts that fitted in with my genre and that were easy to read. I steered clear of heavy graphic fonts as well as fonts that appeared too plain.
I'm really happy with my final contents page. It fits in with the house style I created on my front cover and I feel it looks like a proper magazine. When compared with my draft contents page it is a complete contrast. After looking at my final drafted magazine I realised I really needed to turn it around to make it look as close to professional standard as I could. My contents page was a particular worry as after all, this will be the first thing my reader sees when they open my magazine and so it needs to look appealing.

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