Wednesday 10 April 2013


Hypodermic Needle Effect
The theory that the mass media are so powerful they can target and inject their messages into their audience, assuming that they are passive receivers of the messages who will accept or not challenge the messages.
Perhaps the most famous example of the HNE is when a radio edition of "War Of The Worlds" was broadcast by Orson Welles in America on October 30th. The first 40 minutes of the broadcast were presented as a series of simulated news bulletins which suggested to the audience that there was an martian invasion currently in progress. The days following the broadcast were filled with mass hysteria and widespread panic throughout the country. The message had been injected into the audience, leading them to believe that it was in fact real.

Uses + Gratification Theory
Assumes that the audience are actually active receivers and that they use the media text to gratify certain needs e.g. need for diversion, information, advice etc.

Out of the two theories I hope to apply the U+G theory to my magazine as I want my target audience to interpret the information as they choose to, and not be forced into accepting it in a certain way.

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