Friday 26 April 2013

Final DPS

This is my final DPS. Overall I am really happy with the improvements I have made since my draft as I feel it looks much more professional and attractive.
I swapped the original photo with the photo that had been on my front cover draft as I think this photo works much better for a DPS. I edited it so that it took up just under 50% of the page, giving me more room to write my article. It looks almost as if the model is walking out of the article and I really like this effect.
I decided to put a heading at the top of my article so that by reading it you know what to expect straight away. It also gives the reader something else to look at instead of breaking straight into the interview.
I added more questions and answers to my interview in order to fill out the white space that I had at the bottom. The fact the article is now full makes it look much more interesting as there is clearly a lot of information about the singer. 
I changed all of the fonts from my draft as I felt that they were too boring. The new fonts work well with my genre and they are much more attractive and appealing to the eye.
I changed the line spacing of the name down the side so that it filled nearly the whole side of the photograph, reducing the amount of space that was left in the draft. Doing this has not only made it stand out more but gives another clear focus for the reader to look at on the page. 
Although I have included my 3-colour colour scheme I changed the shade of red slightly to make it a pinky shade, similar to that of my model's jeans. This makes it easier on the eye instead of having an obvious clash, which, even although something stereotypical of music magazines, is not something that I wanted to do.
I chose to put my heading, her name, and my interview questions in uppercase as these are key things that I wanted to be the main focuses. As well as this having all my text in lowercase would have made my article look quite bland and, as capitals look as though they're shouting, this gives an edgy feel to my article.
I'm really pleased with the final outcome for my DPS, as this is the part of the magazine I was the most worried about creating. I feel that I have been able to portray the rock genre well through my choice of photos, fonts, colours and the actual text itself. 

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