Tuesday 9 April 2013

Magazine Deconstruction

The masthead of the magazine is positioned in the top left hand corner. The masthead catches your attention due to the fact that it is white writing on a red background. The name of the magazine is 'Q' and the fact it is a single, bold letter means it stands out and would therefore stand out against other magazines on a newsstand. 
The front cover follows a two-colour colour scheme using red and white which, although they are plain colours, work well with the style of the magazine. The red is a vibrant shade which stands out against the white of the background and catches the eye. The use of white works well against the photo as it keeps in with the overall clean and simple style of the magazine.
The image is of the Arctic Monkeys as they are the main feature of the magazine. As the frontman for the band a mid-shot of Alex Turner takes up most of the cover with mid-shots of the other band members positioned behind him. The photo takes up the majority of the magazine leaving little white space ensuring that it is the reader's first focus when they first look at the front cover.
The magazine includes a burst about 'the ULTIMATE FESTIVAL GUIDE' which draws attention and interests the audience as they will want to read more about the article inside. It also has a callout from The Strokes, 'They'd stab me to get to the top', which automatically grabs attention due to the quote they have chosen, resulting in people buying the magazine in order to read the article. The menu bar is placed at the side of the cover which helps to focus attention on the image and the main article yet it is still obvious to the buyer and gives them an insight into what else they can expect from the magazine.
Capitals are usually used to gain the reader's interest as they shout out at them and tell them that that would be an interesting article to read. The text on this cover is nearly all capitals which tells a reader that there is a lot of information inside which will interest and excite them. The use of Sans Serif font is modern and appeals to a younger target audience (16-25). The cover is also very busy which backs up the idea that it is full of information and therefore good value for their money.

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